Friday, June 27, 2008

Indian iron ore/steel giant Jindal snaps up Mongolian uranium JV

New Delhi-based conglomerate Jindal Steel& Power has purchased the Mongolian joint venture uranium assets of Vancouver-based junior companies Bluerock Resources and Uranerz Energy for US$2.6 million.

The sale includes all Mongolian uranium exploration projects and existing material assets the two junior companies maintain in Mongolia.

In a news release, Bluerock President and CEO Michael Collins said, "The sale of Bluerock's Mongolian exploration arm is a timely step for Bluerock as it allows the company to monetize the exploration results over the last two field reasons and redirect these funds towards Bluerock's main focus, our Southwest US uranium mining projects. Bluerock remains focused on building production, and in the ground resources in Colorado and Utah to support the company's on-going plan of becoming the next uranium producer in the United States."

The Mongolian JV project had eight separate land packages, altogether covering more than 280,000 hectares, primarily located in four settings in the central and eastern parts of Mongolia. The Khavtsal project is the most advanced exploration project in the package. Southwest of the Khavtsal in South Central Mongolia, preliminary work has identified several uranium anomalies.

The East Gobi/Tamtsag project comprises two exploration licenses in Eastern Mongolia.

Bluerock (TSX-V: BRD) hold a 60% ownership of the joint venture while Uranerz Energy (AMEX, TSX: URZ) holds 40%. Jindal has until August 26th to conduct its due diligence review and close the agreement.

A check of the Jindal website by Mineweb early Thursday revealed no uranium mines within the Indian company's stable of iron ore and coal mines. However, Jindal does have a diamond mining exploration division which is searching for diamonds, gold and other related minerals.

Online stock trading to begin in Mongolia

Online stock trading is scheduled to begin in Mongolia in July.

Media reports indicate that a NASDAQ-hosting system will allow individuals and companies to monitor, buy and sell worldwide company stocks from Mongolia.

It is hoped this will not only provide opportunities for Mongolian investors, but also offer exposure to new forms of raising capital for Mongolian companies.
An important part of the program allows investors to directly buy and sell stocks without a broker.

Thursday, June 19, 2008



Юуны өмнө, “Монголын байгалийн нєєц баялаг: аз уу, гай юу?” ийнхүү гарчигласан нэгэн нийтлэл өнгөрсөн онд сонин хэвлэлд гарсаныг анзаараагүй нэгэн байгаа бол олж уншихыг зөвлөж байна. Уг нийтлэлд байгалийн нєєцєд тvшиглэсэн эдийн засагт хэт дулдуйдан саймширах нь тийм ч таатай зүйл биш болох тухайг товчхон боловч маш тодорхой тайлбарлажээ. Байгалийн нєєцийг зохистой ашиглахтай холбоотойгоор үүсдэг чухал асуудлууд, тэдгээрийг буруу шийдвэрлэснээс шалтгаалан улс орны хєгжилд vзvvлдэг олон талын сєрєг нєлєє гэх мэт сургамж болох зүйл ч их байсан.

Гадаад зах зээлээс хэт хамааралтай байхын хор уршиг, “Голланд євчний” эрсдэл гэгч юу болох талаар өнгөрсөн хугацаанд бид бүгд чамлахааргүй зүйлүүдийг сонсож мэдсэн. Гэвч нєєцийн гай газар авснаар юунд хүргэдгийг бүрэн гүйцэд харж хараахан амжихгүй байх шиг. Тухайлбал, хувь хүний хөгжил болон хvний нєєцийн сул байдал бидний ирээдүйг хааш хөтлөх, сайн засаглал болон зохистой институцуудыг тєлєвшvvлж чадахгүй бол яах вэ гэхчилэн олон асуулт таарч тохирох хариултуудаа хүлээж байна. Ямар ч байсан, байгалийн энэ их нєєц, дутуу дулимаг нь ч яамай бид бүгдийн хєгжүүлж буй “Монгол” зах зээл, эрүүний зугаа болсон эрх зvйн үлбэгэр тогтолцоо нийлбээс маш ноцтой сєрєг vр дvнд хvргэх нь гарцаагүй. Үүний тухайг бидэнд сануулсан.
Газрын тос: шингэн хар алт
Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологид хөрөнгө оруулалт хийх талаар газрын тосны хангалттай нөөцтэй улс орон нэг их сонирхохгүй байж болох юм. Харин өнөө болтол бусдын аманд багтаж, царай алдаж яваа бид яагаад санаа амар суух ёстой гэж? Ойрмогхон ч хэвлэл мэдээллийн бүх хэрэгсэлүүдээр энэхүү технологийн тухай хангалттай мэдээлэл цацагдсан. Тэгэхээр, шингэн болон хатуу хар алтнууд яагаад ингэтлээ ихээр бидний амьдралд нөлөөлөх болов.
Бид бүхэн учрыг олж, хужрийг тунгаахаар мэтгэлцэн маргалдаж, цэц мэргэнээ шалгаж суух хойгуур нефтийн үнэ улам бүр өндөр авч, өсөн нэмэгдсээр л байна. Хар алт хэмээх газрын тосны олборлолт түүхэнд тохиож байгаагүйгээр хамгийн дээд цэгтээ тулжээ. Томоохонд тооцогдож буй ордуудаас олборлох хэмжээ нь яв цав тогтоогдож, үйлдвэрлэл буурах хандлагатай байна. Ашиглалтанд орж буй ордуудын нөөцийн хэмжээ нь чамлалттай, шинэ эх үүсвэрүүдийг илрүүлж олох нь урьд өмнөхөөс улам хэцүү болжээ. Чанар сайтай нөөц хомсдох тусам нефтийг олборлох, боловсруулах арга техник улам бүр төвөгтэй болж, эдгээрт зарцуулах хөрөнгө мөнгө ч ихээр шаардагдана. Газрын тосны зах зээлээс улбаатай үүсч буй эдгээр тааламжгүй байдал нь дэлхий нийтийг цочирдуулдан, тамир тэнхээг шавхах өвчин мэт болоод байна.
Дээрх байдал хэр удаан өрнөх, цаашид хэрхэх талаар янз бүрийн таамаглал байгаа боловч эрдэмтэн мэргэд дэлхийн хөгжлийн чиг хандлагын талаар нийтлэг саналтай байна. Дэлхийн улс орнууд газар нутаг, улс төр, эдийн засгийн ашиг сонирхолын үүднээс нэгдэн нийлэх үйл явц эрчимжэж, хөгжиж буй нь илүү хүчирхэгжин, ядуу буурай нь хөгжиж шинэ зах зээлүүд бий болохын хэрээр бараа таваарын эргэлт улам бүр нэмэгдэнэ. Энэ бүхнийг даган эрчим хүчний эрэлт хэрэгцээ дэлхий даяар эрч хүчээ авч, зүй зохицолынхоо дагуу нефтийн үнэ тогтмол өсөх ойлгомжтой. Нөгөө талаасаа газрын тосны зах зээлд үүссэн тодорхойгүй байдал нь дэлхийн улс төрийн нөхцөл байдлыг тогтворгүйжүүлэн, барьц алдахад хүргэж байгаа юм. Харин зах зээл өөрөө тодорхойгүй байдалд таагүй ханддаг нь нэгэнт тодорхой билээ.
Тэгвэл бид шатахууныхаа хэрэгцээг гадаад зах зээлээс ханган нийлүүлдэг, импортоос бүрэн хамааралтай улс оронд амьдарч байна. Монгол улс газрын тосны бүтээгдэхүүн худалдан авахад жилд дунджаар 400-550 орчим сая ам.доллар зарцуулдаг ба өнгөрсөн 2007 онд 782 мянган тонн газрын тосны бүтээгдэхүүн импортолсон нь дээд амжилт болжээ. Аж үйлдвэр, уул уурхай болон бусад бодит салбар хөгжин, эдийн засаг тэлэх тусам хэрэглээ улам бүр өсөх нь зайлшгүй бөгөөд ойрын ирээдүйд ч 1 саяас хол давахыг үгүйсгэх аргагүй.
Сүүлийн зуу гаруй жилд эрчим хүчний салбарт олон нээлтүүд хийгдсэн. Газрын тос ч хүн төрөлхтөний хөгжил дэвшилд томоохон хувь нэмэр оруулсан. Харамсалтай нь дэлхийн нийт эрчим хүчний 35% гаруйн хэрэгцээг хангадаг түүний нөөц өдөр ирэх тутам шавхагдан барагдаж байна. Ийм учраас ч сүүлийн үед нефтийг орлуулах үүсвэрийн тухай сэдэв ихээр хөндөгдөх болсон юм. Гэхдээ асуудлын гол нь чухам юунд байна вэ? Байгалийн хий, нефть нэвчсэн элс, био түлш, химийн түлш, сэргээгдэх эх үүсвэр, цөмийн эрчим хүч зэрэг бүгд нийлээд ойрын арван жилд ч дэлхийн эрчим хүчний өнөөгийн хэрэглээг хангахуйц хэмжээнд хүрч чадахгүй хэмээн мэргэжилтэнгүүд дүгнэж байна. Мөн эдгээр технологиуд нь асар их хөрөнгө шаарддаг, эсвэл эрчим хүчийг их хэмжээгээр үйлдвэрлэхэд бэлэн бус байгаа юм. Харин нефтийг орлуулах боломжтой, хямд эх үүсвэрийн эрэлд мордсон зарим улс орнууд нүүрсийг боловсруулан, шингэрүүлэх замаар шатахуун үйлдвэрлэх цаг мөч нэгэнт ирсэнийг хүлээн зөвшөөрч эхэлжээ.
Нүүрс: өөр нэгэн хар алтны тухай
Тэдгээр улс орнууд ямар арга замаар шийдэх гэж байна вэ? Нэгдүгээрт, нүүрсийг асар их хэмжээгээр олборлон нийлүүлэх бололцоотой байх. Хоёрдугаарт, байгаль орчинд ээлтэй, цэвэр шингэн шатахууныг нүүрснээс гаргаж авах буюу Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологийг хэрэглэх боломж бүрдүүлэх. Эцэст нь, энэ хоёрыг зохистой байдлаар уялдуулан ашиглах замаар эрчим хүчний асуудлаа шийдэх гарц болно гэж тэд үзэж байна. Бид ч ялгаагүй үүнийг хэрэгжүүлэх бүрэн бололцоотой. Монгол Улс өөрөө нүүрсний арвин нөөцтэй, түүнийг боловсруулан шатахуун үйлдвэрлэх дэвшилтэт технологи нь зах зээлд нээлттэй, бэлэн байна. Мөн манай улсын төсөв болон санхүүгийн ачаалалыг хөнгөлөх, эдийн засгийн хөгжлийг түргэтгэх, нийгмийн дарамт шахалтыг саармагжуулах, үндэсний аюулгүй байдлыг хангах зэрэг олон олон давуу, сайн талууд бас бий.
Эдүгээ АНУ, ОХУ, Хятад, Энэтхэг болон Австрали зэрэг нь нүүрсний нөөц баялагын хэмжээгээр тэргүүлэгч улс орнуудын тоонд зүй ёсоор тооцогддог бол уг жагсаалтын эхний 15-т зүй ёсоор багтдаг Монгол Улс 152 тэрбум тонн нүүрсний таамаг нөөцтэй. Эрэлт хэрэгцээ цаашид эрч хүчээ авч нэмэгдсэн ч, дэлхий дахин Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологийг ашигласнаар эрчим хүчнийхээ хэрэглээг хэдэн зуун жилийн туршид хангах бүрэн боломжтой, хангалттай нүүрсний нөөцтэй болох нь батлагджээ. Харин, газрын тос, байгалийн шатдаг хийн ихээхэн нөөц илрээгүй манай орны хувьд нүүрс нь эрчим хүчний үндсэн эх үүсвэр болох магадлалтай ба энэ нь бидний хувьд олзуурхууштай хэрэг байж болох юм.
Харин газрын тос ойролцоогоор 40-50 жил, байгалийн хий 60-70 жилийн нөөцийн үлдэгдэлтэй хэмээн эрдэмтэн судлаачид үзэж байна. Хамгийн гол нь нефть нийлүүлэлтийн томоохон эх ундарга болох ойрхи дорнодын газрын тос олборлох үйлдвэрлэлийн хэмжээ буурсаар байгаа юм. Дээр нь тус бүс нутагт нүүрсний нөөц гэхээр тоймтой зүйл бараг байдаггүй. Энд нэг энгийн тайлбар хийх нь зүйтэй болов уу. Газрын тос нь олон зуун сая жилийн туршид явагдсан химийн урвал, түүний үр нөлөөний үр дүнд шингэрсэн нүүрс юм. Сайн чанартай нефть нь цаг хугацааны хувьд илүү насжилттай, хөгшин газрын гүний давхаргаас олддог бол арай залуувтар давхарга нь өтгөн газрын тостой байдаг. Нүүрс ч мөн ялгаагүй насжилт болон бусад нөлөөллөөс шалтгаалан коксжих, чулуун, хүрэн гэх мэтээр ангилагддаг байна. Эдгээр байгалийн баялагуудыг боловсруулан гаргаж авах шатахууны өртөгт насжилтын байдал шууд хамааралтайгаар нөлөөлнө. Нүүрс шингэрүүлэх технологийг энгийн үгээр тайлбарлавал, байгаль дээр өрнөж буй дээрх насжилт, урвалжилт болон бусад үр нөлөөлөлийн үйл явцыг үйлдвэрлэлийн аргаар түргэсгэн нефть гарган авч байгаа юм.
Нүүрс: Хатуу хар алтыг шингэрүүлэх тухай
Түүхийн хуудсыг эргүүлэн сөхөж үзвээс Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологийг өнгөрсөн зууны эхэн үеэс судалж, хөгжүүлж эхэлсэн ба түүнээс хойш улам бүр сайжруулсаар иржээ. Харин нүүрс шингэрүүлэх технологийг ашиглах, зах зээлд нэвтрүүлэхэд шингэн хар алт газрын тостой өрсөлдөх гарцаагүй шаардлагатай тулгарч байжээ. Тухайлбал, нэг баррел нефть 25-35 ам.доллараас илүү үнэтэй болсноор Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологи нь эдийн засгийн хувьд үр өгөөжтэй болдог байна. (1 баррел = 159 литр) Өөрөөр хэлбэл, баррел нь 25-35 ам.долларын өртөгтэй нефть үйлдвэрлэх бололцоотой уг технологи нь хөрөнгө оруулагчдын сонирхолыг ихээхэн татаж эхэлдэг гэж мэргэжилтэнгүүд тайлбарладаг. Тэгвэл, нефтийн үнэ 60 ам.долларын босгыг давж дэлхий нийтийг цочирдуулж байсан нь саявтархан. Тухайн үед зах зээлийн шинжээч мэргэжилтэнгүүд газрын тосны үнийн өсөлт буурахгүй, харин өсөх магадлалтай хэмээн мэдэгдэж байсан. Тэр ч байтугай, асар их хэмжээний нөөцтэй ямар нэгэн орд газар гэнэт олддоггүй л юм бол, нефтийн үнэ алгуур өссөөр 100-150 ам.доллар хүрнэ гэсэн таамаглалыг зарим нэг нь дэвшүүлж байсан. Энэ бүхэн ч өнөөдөр нэгэнт батлагдаж, бодитой болсон явдал. Анхаарал татсан өөр нэг таамаглал бол АНУ-д шатахуун түгээх цэгүүдэд борлуулагдах галлон бензиний үнэ 8 ам.долларт хүрч өргөн хүрээг хамарсан, гүнзгий хямрал өрнөж болох талаар дурдаж байжээ. (1 галлон = 3.8 литр)
Тэгэхээр яагаад өнөөг болтол бусад улс орнууд Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэр барьж байгуулаагүй юм бэ? Хамгийн товч бөгөөд тодорхой хариултыг доорх зургаас харж болно. Газрын тосны үнийг тогтоох болон баримжаалахад АНУ-д ашиглагддаг нэг төрлийн газрын тос болох WTI баррел нефтийн үнэ 2010 онд хамгийн дээд цэгтээ буюу 100 ам.долларт хүрнэ хэмээн таамаглаж байжээ. WTI-н таамаглал хамгийн өндөр магадлалтай гэж тооцогддог ажээ.

Хөрөнгө оруулагчидын шийдвэр гаргахад нөлөөлж буй өөр бусад хүчин зүйлүүд бий. Нүүрсийг шууд болон шууд бусаар, эсвэл энэ хоёрыг хослуулан ашиглах замаар шингэрүүлэх аргууд байдаг. Үүнээс шууд аргаар нүүрс шингэрүүлэх нь харьцангуй хямд үнэтэй нефть үйлдвэрлэх давуу онцлогтой, сүүлийн үеийн технологи юм. Мөн нүүрс шингэрүүлэх технологитой харьцуулахад харьцангуй хямд өртөгтэй нүүрсийг хийжүүлэх, хийг шингэрүүлэх өөр бусад технологиуд ч байна. Харьцангуй өмнөх үеийн, олон шат дамжлагатай эдгээр технологиудыг ашиглан үйлдвэрлэх эцсийн бүтээгдэхүүний үнэ харьцангуй өндөр гардаг байна. Иймээс зөв зүйтэй сонголт хийх шаардлагатай тулгарсан хөрөнгө оруулагчид нефтийн үнэ огцом унахаас жийрхэн, хүлээзнэж харзнасан байдалтай байж болох талтай. Зарим компаниуд нүүрс шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэрлэл эрхлэхээ түр зуур хойш тавин, хөрөнгө оруулалтын өнөөгийн үр ашигтаа түлхүү анхаарч буй нь бас нөлөөлж байж болох юм.
Гэвч Хятад, АНУ, Герман, Энэтхэг, Австрали, Индонези зэрэг орнууд өөрсдийн дотоод дахь хямдхан нөөц баялагтаа дулдуйдан нүүрс шингэрүүлэх технологийг хөгжүүлэх явдлыг туйлбартай хөхиүлэн дэмжиж байна. Тухайлбал, Хятад Улс нийт эрчим хүчнийхээ 30 орчим хувь, газрын тосны бүтээгдэхүүний 50 орчим хувийг импортолдог. Тус улсын хувьд үнийн өсөлт, гадаад зах зээлээс хамааралтай байх нь ямархуу байдалд хүргэж болохыг 2006 оны байдлаар өдөрт 3 сая баррел нефтийн бүтээгдэхүүн импортолдог байсан тоо баримтаас төсөөлж болох юм.
Нүүрс: Цахилгаан, эрчим хүчний эх үүсвэр
Яахын аргагүй сонирхол татах зүйл бол цахилгаан, эрчим хүчний үйлдвэрлэлийн салбар болно. Өнөөдөр дэлхийн дахинд хэрэглэж буй цахилгаан, эрчим хүчний 40% орчимыг нүүрснээс гарган авч байна. Гэвч энэ тоо улс орнуудын хувьд харилцан адилгүй ба тухайлбал, Польш 94%, Өмнөд Африк 92%, Хятад 77%, Австрали 76% гэх зэргээр цахилгаан, эрчим хүчний хэрэгцээгээ нүүрсээр хангадаг байна. Харин манай улсын хувьд бараг 100% билээ. Сүүлийн жилүүдийн байдлаас ажиглахад, нүүрс нь байгалийн хий, усан болон цөмийн эх үүсвэрүүд, сэргээгдэх эрчим хүчнүүдээс илүү давшилттай хөгжиж буй эрчим хүчний эх үүсвэр юм. 2030 оны байдлаар ч 38%-ийг нийлүүлэх нүүрс гол эх үүсвэр хэвээр байх бөгөөд үлдсэн хэсгийг байгалийн хий 30%, уснаас гаргах цахилгаан эх үүсвэр 13%, цөмийн эрчим хүч 9%, харин эх үүсвэрүүд 6%, газрын тос 4%-ийг тус тус үйлвэрлэх ажээ.
Эдүгээ ажиллаж буй нүүрсний цахилгаан станцуудын технологи нь анхнаасаа нефтийг ашиглах нөхцөл боломжийг харгалзалгүй буруу шийдсэн, хэтэрхий үрэлгэн үнэтэй арга зам ажээ. Гэтэл нүүрс шатаан эрчим хүч үйлдвэрлэдэг ямар ч станц нүүрс шингэрүүлэх аргаар гаргаж авсан нефтийг ашиглах бүрэн бололцоотой. Түүнчлэн, ашиглагдаж буй цахилгаан станцуудын ашигт ажиллагааны түвшин нь 50% орчим байхад, өндөр даралттай шатаах зуух ашигладаг нүүрс шингэрүүлэх технологийг ашигласнаар дээрх түвшин 80% хүртэл нэмэгдэх юм байна. Энгийнээр хэлбэл, бид шатааж буй нүүрснийхээ тал хувийг ашиглаж байна гэсэн үг юм. Харин ч бүр хүрээлэн буй орчинд хор хөнөөлтэй хүхэр, меркури болон үнс зэрэг ялгарахгүйгээс гадна хий тортог, утаа үнэр багатай, илүү үр ашигтай, байгаль дэлхийд ээлтэй шийдэл болох юм байна.
Нүүрс шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэрлэлийн салбарыг хөгжүүлэх чиглэлээр харьцангуй тэргүүлж яваа улс бол манай өмнөд хөрш болно. Хятад улс хэдхэн жилийн дотор маш хурдацтай өсөн бойжиж, дэлхийн томоохон аж үйлдвэржсэн гүрэн болсон. Тус улсын эрчим хүчний эрэлт хэрэгцээ тоймлошгүй их бөгөөд ялангуяа үйлдвэрийн газрууд, орон сууц, сургуулиудыг цахилгаанаар хангах хүндхэн асуудлыг зайлшгүй шийдвэрлэх шаардлагатай тулгарч байгаа билээ. Тэд багахан хэмжээний нефтийн нөөцтөй боловч маш их нүүрстэй. Гэвч, нүүрсний нөөц нь газар нутгынхаа хойд хэсэгт байрлаж байгаа бол, аж үйлдвэрийн хөгжил цэцэглэлт нь өмнөд хэсэгтээ өрнөж байгаа билээ. Аугаа том газар нутагтай Хятад улсын зам тээвэр, төмөр замын өнөөгийн нөхцөл байдал тааруухан, ойрын ирээдүйд шаардлага хангахүйц хэмжээнд хүрч хараахан амжихгүй хэмээн эх сурвалжууд дурдаж байна. Гэвч тэд хатуу нүүрсийг тээвэрлэх хүндхэн асуудлыг шийдэж чадлаа ч, зөөж авчирсан нүүрсээ шатааж агаар орчиноо бохирдуулсан хэвээр л байна. Үүний оронд нүүрсээ шингэрүүлэн хоолойгоор шахан дамжуулах нь эцсийн дүндээ хямд төсөр тусахаас гадна хамаагүй хялбархан, илүү ухаалаг арга зам болох нь дамжиггүй
Хятад улс нүүрс шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэртэй болох анхны оролдлогоо 1999 онд хийсэн ба жилийн 500,000 тоннын хүчин чадалтай уг төсөл нүүрсний чанараа дутуу шинжилснээс болж бүрмөсөн зогссон байна. Улмаар 2001 онд энэ чиглэлийн 863 төсөл, хөтөлбөр хэрэгжүүлэх санал боловсруулагдаж байснаас өнөөдөр 30 орчим нь нарийвчилсан төлөвлөлт хийх, техник эдийн засгийн үндэслэл боловсруулах шатандаа явж байна. Харин 2001 оноос АНУ-н технологийг ашиглахаар тууштай ажилласаны үр дүнд Шиньхуа групп санаачлагыг гартаа авч, Өвөрмонголын Ордосд дэлхий дээр анхны томоохон гэж зүй ёсоор тооцогдох нүүрс шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэрийг 2008 онд ашилалтанд оруулах гэж байна. Энэ бүхнээс шалтгаалан, бүх хятадын аж үйлдвэрлэлийг чиглүүлэн зохицуулах үүрэг бүхий Үндэсний Хөгжил, Шинэчлэлтийн Хорооноос “Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх салбарын талаар баримтлах Үндэсний Хөгжлийн Хөтөлбөр” батлагдан гарахаас нааш энэ чиглэлээр хэрэгжүүлэх шинэ төслүүдэд хатуу хяналт тавьж ажиллах удирдамжыг орон нутгийн удирдлагуудад хүргүүлжээ. Нүүрс шингэрүүлэх асуудлыг бодитой ажил болгоход түүнд хэрэгцээтэй нүүрс, ус болон хөрөнгө мөнгөний хангалттай нөөцтэй байх шаардлагатайн дээр экологи, хүрээлэн буй орчин, технологи зэрэгт тавигдах стандартын өндөр шаардлагуудыг хангах ёстой. Энэ бүхэнд харалган хандах нь төслийн хэрэгжилтийг тогтворгүй болгохоос гадна үндэсний эдийн засаг, түүний эрүүл хөгжилд сөргөөр нөлөөлөх талтай гэж ҮХШХ-ны мэдэгдэлд дурджээ. Иймээс ч, 3 сая тонноос бага хүчин чадалтай үйлдвэр байгуулах төсөлд засгийн газрын зүгээс зөвшөөрөл олгогдохгүй хэмээн эх сурвалжийн мэдээлж байна.

Нүүрс: шатахууны эх үүсвэр
Сонирхол ихээхэн татаж буй өөр нэг зүйл бол бидний өдөр тутмын амьдралын салшгүй хэсэг болсон автомашин ба түүний эрэлт хэрэгцээ дэлхий дахинд өсөн нэмэгдсээр байна. Өнөөдөр тээврийн хэрэгсэлүүдийг хөдөлгөхөд шаардагдаж буй нийт шатахуун, түлшний 96% орчимыг газрын тосноос гарган авч байна. 1970 онд нийтдээ 200 сая хүрэхгүй байсан автомашины тоо 2006 онд 700 сая илүүтэй болсон байна. Дэлхийн Эрчим Хүчний Байгууллагын таамаглаж буйгаар 2030 онд дэлхийн автомашины тоо даруй 1.5 тэрбумд хүрэх ба ялангуяа хөгжиж буй орнуудад автомашины хэрэглээ гурав дахин нэмэгдэх ажээ. Үүний хажууд, 100,000 гаруй тээврийн хэрэгсэлтэй манай улс өчүүхэн мэт санагдаж болох ч, Улаанбаатрынхаа гудамжинд багтаж ядан түгжрэн бухимдаж яваа бидний хувьд томоохон асуудал юм.
Сүүлийн жилүүдэд байгаль орчинд ээлтэй тээврийн хэрэгсэлийг түлхүү нийлүүлэх шаардлагыг хангах, хэрэглэгчидийн хүсэн хүлээж буй илүү үр ашигтай автомашин үйлдвэрлэх асуудлуудыг уялдуулах хүндхэн даваатай үйлдвэрлэгч компаниуд тулгарч байгаа. Иймээс ч тэд хүрээлэн буй орчинд ээлтэй, цахилгаан-бензинийг хослуулах гибрид автомашинуудыг аль болох богино хугацаанд, их хэмжээгээр үйлдвэрлэн нийлүүлэх ажилдаа ханцуй шамлан орцгоосон. Гэтэл ойрын ирээдүйд цахилгаан-дизель түлшийг хослуулан ашиглах гибрид автомашин нь хэрэглээнд илүүтэй нэвтэрч эхлэх магадлал өндөртэй байх төлөв байдал ажиглагдаж эхэлжээ. Бензин болон дизель түлш хоюуланг нь нүүрснээс гаргаж авдаг ба эдгээр нь газрын тосноос гаргаж авдаг шатахуунаас харьцангуй цэвэр бүтээгдэхүүн ажээ. Мөн дээрх хоёр төрлийн шатахууныг нүүрснээс гаргасан нефтьнээс нэрж боловсруулах арга, ашигт ажиллагааны түвшин нь ойролцоо аж. Нөгөө талаасаа, хөдөлгүүрийн хүч чадлыг бүрэн дүүрэн ашиглах, гүйцэтгэлийн илүү сайн үзүүлэлттэй түлшийг ашиглах бололцоо бүрдүүлж байгаа юм. Ялангуяа, нүүрснээс гаргасан дизель түлш нь агаар мандлыг бохирдуулах бодис бага ялгаруулахын зэрэгцээ бидэнд илүү их замыг туулах боломж олгоно.
Хүн амынхаа тоогоор тэргүүлэгч Хятад болон Энэтхэг улсууд автомашин үйлдвэрлэлийн зах зээлд хүч түрэн орох төлөвлөгөөгөө хэрэгжүүлэх цаг мөч хэзээ мөдгүй болсон. Эдгээр улсууд дотоодын асар том зах зээлээ хангах эхний алхамаа хэрэгжүүлэх, улмаар гадаад зах зээлд амжилттай гарахад ялангуяа өөрсдөө үйлдвэрлэх цэвэр шатахуун нь хүчтэй зэвсэг болж болох талтай. Тэртээ тэргүй түүхий нефтийн зах зээлээс хамааралтай, дээр нь үйлдвэрлэлийн өндөр өртөг зардлаас шалтгаалан хямарч буй автомашин үйлдвэрлэгч мангасуудад ч томоохон дарамт үзүүлж, хүндхэн цохилт өгөх нь дамжиггүй бизээ. Иймээс ч автомашин үйлдвэрлэгчид гибрид автомашины үйлдвэрлэлийг эхлүүлэхээр зэхэж буй цогц өөрчлөлтийн төлөвлөгөөгөө түр хойшлуулж, юуны түрүүнд нүүрс шингэрүүлэх аргаар гаргаж авсан шатахууныг илүүтэй сонирхон, судалгааны ажилд ихээхэн хөрөнгө хаяцгааж эхэлжээ.
Төгсгөл хэсэг буюу эхлэл
Монгол Улсын шийдвэр гаргагчид Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологийг нэвтрүүлэн, нутагшуулах төрийн бодлогоо даруй тодорхойлох хэрэгтэй. Ингэхдээ, өнөөдөр барууны ертөнцөд моодонд ороод байгаа био түлшний асуудалтай адилтган жишиж, био түлшний үйлдвэрлэлийг татвар болон санхүүгийн хөнгөлөлт үзүүлэх замаар хэрхэн дэмжиж буй тэдний туршлагыг судлаж үзэх нь илүүдэхгүй. Нөгөө талаасаа, асуудлын мөн чанарыг сайтар ойлгоход хялбар дөхөм байж болох талтай. Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологи болон био түлшний үйлдвэрлэлийг хөгжүүлэх асуудалд олон нийтийн дэмжлэгийг авахад дөхөм үзүүлэх, адил төстэй олон хүчин зүйл, онцлог талууд бий. Тэгэхээр, барууны улс төрчид био түлшний асуудлыг аль өнцгөөс нь харж байна гэдгийг сонирхож үзье. Нэгдүгээрт, үйлдвэрлэлүүд уналтанд орсон орон нутгийн түвшинд хөдөлмөр эрхлэлтийг нэмэгдүүлэх тул сонгогчдын саналыг авахад улс төрчдөд ашигтай тусдаг байна. Хоёрдугаарт, улам бүр барьц муутай, тогтвортой бус болж буй улс орнуудаас эрчим хүчний хувьд хамааралтай байх нь аюулгүй байдалд сөрөг үр нөлөө үзүүлнэ хэмээн итгэж, санаагаа зовоох болсон барууны сонгогчид болон хөрөнгө оруулагчидын тоо их хэмжээгээр нэмэгдэх болсон. Гуравдугаарт, байгаль орчинд ээлтэй, цэвэр бүтээгдэхүүн үйлдвэрлэх тул байгаль орчны төлөө тэмцэгчидийн зүгээс дэмжлэг хүлээн авах магадлал өндөр байгаа зэрэг болно.
Манай нөхцөлд, улс орны маань хувь заяаг шийдэхэд оролцож буй аливаа нам, ашиг сонирхолын зөрчилтэй бүлэглэлүүд Монгол Улс Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх үйлдвэртэй болох тухай асуудлыг үндэсний тэргүүлэх чиглэлийн бодлогод тусган багтаах, нэгдсэн бодлого баримтлах, тууштай ажиллах улс төрийн хүсэл эрмэлзлэлээ нэгтгэх хэрэгтэй. Одоо мориноосоо буух цаг болсон. Энэ бол ирээдүйг бүрхэгдүүлэх “хүүхдийн 10,000 төгрөг”, унаж тустал нь урхидах “эх орны хувь - хишиг” ч биш. Харин бидэнд заяасан хувь тавилан, бидний биелүүлэх үүрэг хариуцлага юм.
Энэ бүхнийг нуршиж эхлэхээс урьдаж эхэн хэсэгтээ дурдсан тэрхүү нийтлэлээс хоёр зүйлийг дахин энд давтая. Монголчууд зєвхєн цэрэг дайны хvчээр бус “шинжлэх ухааны аргаар” амжилтанд хvрсэн хэмээн 13-р зуунд барууны нэгэн мэргэний айлдсаныг ишлэл татаж, монголын малчин євлийн бэлтгэлээ базаахдаа аарцаа хатаан ааруул бэлтгэж, махаа хатаан борцоо бэлтгэдэг шиг сэтгэх ёстой болохыг сануулсан. Аз билэгшээж, монголчууд бидэнд итгэл тээсэн ерөөлд тань талархаж буйгаа илэрхийлье.
Ямартаа ч өнөөдрийн байдлаар Нүүрс Шингэрүүлэх технологид дэлхийн улс орнууд, олон компаниуд хөрөнгө оруулалт хийж байна. Та бидний өдөр тутам хэрэглэдэг бараа бүтээгдэхүүний үнийг хөөрөгдөж, улс орны хөгжлийг чөдөрлөх инфляцийг өөгшүүлж буй нефть, тэнгэрт тулталаа гаарч буй түүний үнэ гэх мэтийн учир зүйг олохгүй будлихын сацуу бухимдаж суугаагаа түр зуур ч атугай мартагная. Харин үнэхээр л улс орны маань хөгжил дэвшил, алс хэтийн ирээдүйд хэрэгтэй гэж үзэж байгаа бол нүүрсийг шууд болон шууд бус аргаар шингэрүүлэх технологиор гаршиж, дадлагжсан дэлхийн мэргэжилтэнгүүд болох Headwaters, Syntroleum Corp, Rentech, Sasol компаниудын талаар та нэг сонирхож үзээрэй.

from Oldman

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Red Hill Commissions a Full Pre-Feasibility Study on the Ulaan Ovoo Project to Minarco-Mineconsult of Australia

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA, Jun 18, 2008 (Marketwire via COMTEX) -- RHFFF | Quote | Chart | News | PowerRating -- Red Hill Energy (TSX VENTURE:RH) announced today that it has entered engaged Minarco-MineConsult (MMC), based in Sydney, Australia, to prepare a comprehensive pre-feasibility study on Red Hill's fully-owned Ulaan Ovoo coal project in northern Mongolia.

The pre-feasibility study will substantially enhance data generated during a prior scoping study prepared by Behre Dolbear Inc. (USA) and several detailed transportation and economic studies prepared earlier this year by a Mongolia university. It will significantly extend these earlier studies by examining in detail the following key items:

- Geology and Reserves

- Market Analysis

- Mining Engineering

- Transportation and Infrastructure

- Hydrology

- Economic Analysis

- Environment

- Labour and Community Relations

The study will prepare detailed mine plans for each year of operation and will expedite Red Hill's production plans at Ulaan Ovoo. The study will rely on MMC's experience with the latest mining technology to determine the most profitable mining and transportation scenarios. The study will consider all aspects of the coal's journey from the ground to the East Asian markets and will include an extensive section on rail transport and costs that will expand transportation studies begun last year.

Red Hill Energy's President Ranjeet Sundher stated that:

"We are pleased to have a firm as qualified and regionally experienced as Minarco to work with. The completion of this extensive study will go a long way towards our production and partnership goals."

"Ulaan Ovoo's size, product quality, proximity to rail & major world markets as well as its abundant water source and anticipated ease of mining bodes well for the viability of the project."

Ulaan Ovoo contains 208.8 million tonnes of high quality thermal coal (174.5 Measured, 34.3 Indicated) with an additional 35.9 million tonnes inferred. The project has been granted a 30-year mining license by the Mongolian government with a 40 year extension option. It is situated approximately 17 kilometres (km) south of the Russian/Mongolian border and is located within 120 km of either Russia's (north) or Mongolia's (east) central (main) railroads. The railroads offer transportation options to the world's 3 largest coal importing markets including Japan, Taiwan and South Korea. Ulaan Ovoo's coal quality is particularly desired in these markets due to its low ash, low sulfur, low nitrogen, high volatile matter and its high calorific value averaging 5,092 kcal/kg or 9,165 BTU/lb (on an as-received moisture basis).

These markets can be accessed via either of Russia's massive coal exporting centers, Vladivostok or Vanino. On the other hand China's vast coal markets and Mongolia's main domestic coal market are accessible by rail to the south. Mongolia's Zelter River is in immediate proximity to Ulaan Ovoo and assures the project of abundant water. Ulaan Ovoo coal is carried primarily in a single, near surface coal seam averaging approximately 60 meters in thickness. The stripping ratio on the first 120 million tonnes of Ulaan Ovoo coal averages less than 1.4:1 which at 6 million tonne annual production would support a 20-year mine life. Seven exploration licenses 100% controlled by Red Hill Energy are in adjacent and/or surrounding basins and may lead to a significant increase to the resource base.

The study will be performed by MMC's team of professional geoscientists and engineers, several of whom have extensive prior experience in Mongolia and China. MMC will prepare the study in compliance with NI 43-101 requirements and has designated a Qualified Person as its principal signatory. The final pre-feasibility study is anticipated within four months.

Red Hill Energy's total 100% owned, high quality thermal coal resources in Mongolia, located in 2 coal basins, presently stands at over 1 billion tonnes (503.5 Measured, 503.6 Indicated) with an additional 444.9 million tonnes inferred. Red Hill's Chandgana coal projects are located in east/central Mongolia 160 km east of Mongolia's central railroad. CVRD of Brazil also controls an independent and very large coal project in this basin which is contiguous to Red Hill's resource properties.

Full details of the above disclosure, including the Qualified Person, is available in the Company's press releases of April 9 and March 26, 2008, October 25, 2007 and November 9, 2006.

Minarco-MineConsult, part of the Runge Group, is a premier international consulting and engineering firm, with specialist expertise in mining engineering, geology, and environmental economics. Their main office is located in Sydney, Australia, with satellite offices in Beijing and Jakarta. MMC's core business is technical mine planning with particular expertise in coal mining. They have organized a team of over 300 professionals in over 12 countries, working in each of the global mining exchanges. MMC has recently completed coal projects in Mongolia and is familiar with the country's vast untapped resources and market potential.


Red Hill Energy Inc. is a junior resource company trading on the TSX-Venture Exchange under the trading symbol RH. The Company is advancing over one billion tonnes of 100% owned coal from two Mongolian coal basins towards production. Red Hill also has multiple uranium properties and several gold and copper exploration projects located throughout Mongolia. Red Hill has a strategic alliance with Mega Uranium Ltd. to jointly develop its uranium assets and has a full-time office in Mongolia's capital, Ulaanbaatar.

Red Hill Energy Inc.

G. Arnold Armstrong - Chairman and CEO

Ranjeet Sundher - President

SOURCE: Red Hill Energy Inc.

CCTI works on memorandum, joint venture in Inner Mongolia

INNER MONGOLIA, CHINA: Clean Coal Technologies (CCTI) has signed a memorandum of understanding with Sino-Mongolia International Railroad Systems (SMIRSC) of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region in China.

The memorandum provides specific milestones to determine the suitability of CCTI's technology for enhancing around 2 billion tons of lignite coal deposits as a fuel source for a new power station and gasification plant, scheduled for construction in the fourth quarter of 2008.

CCTI will conduct coal sample testing to confirm the suitability of the lignite for the CCTI process. If successful, the two parties plan to sign a joint venture agreement in October. Under the joint venture, CCTI would construct an initial plant to process the 1.5 million tons per year required by the new power plant. Afterward, subject to a successful outcome, the CCTI project would be expanded to an output capacity of around 15 million tons over a five year period. The majority of the coal enrichment project would be focused on coal gasification and the production of chemical by-products.

SMIRSC will be responsible for providing raw coal, and purchasing the upgraded product, plus the establishment of marketing and distribution for all chemical and coal products produced by the joint venture. SMIRSC will also be responsible for providing the sites, utilities, services and transportation infrastructure required by the project. Details of the capital structure, scale of capital investment and other cooperative conditions for joint venture are subject to further discussion between the parties.

The CCTI process captures and separates impurities and contaminants in coal, making the fuel burn more cleanly. The removed exhaust gas and contaminants can then be refined and sold on the secondary chemical market.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Bayanbulag coal deposit details revealed by Western Prospector Group

Western Prospector Group Ltd. (TSX-V:WNP) reports large amount of near-surface coal deposits found at its Bayanbulag site.

It made the announcement in reports filed last week with the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia.

The report detailed deposits of brown or thermal coal in a horizontal, near-surface seam which will allow for open pit mining. Bayanbulag is located 27 kilometres northwest of Choibalsan, the regional capital of Dornod province.

Western acquired the Bayanbulag deposit in 2007 with the intent to mine coal only as a fuel source for its Gurvanbulag uranium mine development, which will need heating for mine air and surface buildings.
Since then, third parties have indicated an interest in purchasing coal from Western for their own needs. As a result, Western is developing a mining plan to for its own needs as well as sales to other customers.

Inner Mongolia: UNPO Appeal for Jaranbayar Soyolt

The whereabouts of Mongolian human rights activist Jaranbayar Soyolt have been unknown since he was detained on 6 January 2008 at Beijing Capital International Airport by Chinese authorities, for alleged involvement in "overseas activities harmful to China's security." UNPO has appealed to Chinese authorities to reveal Mr Soyolt’s whereabouts and treat him humanely and in accordance with basic standards of criminal justice.

The Hague, 16 June 2008 – On 6 January 2008, Jaranbayar Soyolt, a citizen of Mongolia, was detained by immigration officials at Beijing Capital International Airport. Jaranbayar Soyolt is a nonviolent human rights activist and a founding member of several exiled dissident groups based in Mongolia.

According to Amnesty International, Jaranbayar Soyolt telephoned one of his colleagues on 11 January 2008 under duress from Chinese authorities. Jaranbayar Soyolt said he was being detained in Beijing because of problems with his passport, and asked that nothing about his arrest be revealed to foreign media in order not to "make things worse". As a result of this threat, his family has not publicized his case until recently. They have not had any further contact with Jaranbayar Soyolt since this telephone call.

On 31 January 2008, the Beijing Public Security Bureau confirmed that Jaranbayar Soyolt had entered China through the airport on 6 January 2008, though the Bureau had previously denied any knowledge of his whereabouts.

Jaranbayar Soyolt suffers from ill-health, and in the light of this and of persistent reports about torture and other ill-treatment of political dissidents in China, UNPO is extremely concerned for his well-being and safety.

Given that the human rights record of the People’s Republic of China is currently under close scrutiny ahead of the 2008 Beijing Olympics, this is an opportunity for China either to demonstrate to the international community that it respects international human rights norms or to reaffirm the world’s doubts in this regard.

Based on the above UNPO has appealed to the Beijing Public Security Bureau and the Beijing Municipal Justice Bureau to:

- reveal the whereabouts of Jaranbayar Soyolt, who was detained at Beijing Capital International Airport on 6 January;

- release Jaranbayar Soyolt immediately, or charge him with a recognizable criminal offence and ensure he is tried promptly in proceedings which meet international fair trial standards;

-provide assurances that Jaranbayar Soyolt is treated humanely in detention, and not tortured or ill-treated;

- give Jaranbayar Soyolt immediate and regular access to his family, a lawyer of his choice, and any medical treatment he may require.


Director of the Beijing Public Security Bureau

MA Zhenchuan Juzhang

Beijingshi Gong'anju

9 Qianmen Dongdajie


Beijingshi 100740

People's Republic of China

Email: wbjc@sohu.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Salutation: Dear Director

Director of the Beijing Municipal Justice Bureau

WU Yuhua Juzhang

Beijingshi Sifaju

12 Xinjiekouwaidajie


Beijingshi 100088

People's Republic of China

Email: e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it

Salutation: Dear Director


Ambassador to the People's Republic of China


Embassy of Mongolia

No 2, Xiushui Beijie Jian Guo,

Men Wai Da Jie


People's Republic of China;
Fax: +86 10 6532 5045

The fax number listed can be unreliable, please keep trying.

And to diplomatic representatives of China accredited to your country.


China's Wind Power Industry: Blowing Past Expectations

Bejing, China []

At the end of 2007, China's installed base of wind power totaled just over 6 gigawatts (GW), making China the fifth largest producer of wind power, after Germany, the U.S., Spain and India. As a consequence of the rapid build-out of wind power projects in China, in April 2008 the National Development and Reform Commission revised its 11th Five Year Plan Period plan for wind power development from 5 GW to 10 GW by 2010.

More impressively, wind power industry statistics show that by the end of 2008 China's total installed base of wind power production will have already reached 10 GW, two years ahead of the revised plan. Some experts are estimating that by 2010, the total installed capacity for wind power generation in China will reach 20 GW and that by 2020 China's installed base of wind power will total 100 GW.

Estimates by experts in wind power development in Inner Mongolia have an even more optimistic assessment; they believe that by 2010 China's total installed base of wind farms will total 27,700 megawatts (MW) and that China will then be the fourth largest producer of wind power in the world. The Inner Mongolia experts further predict that China will become the third largest producer of wind power worldwide by 2015.

From Xinjiang in China's far west to Shanghai, wind power projects are being developed across China. Below are highlights of local efforts to build-out wind power capacity throughout China.

Inner Mongolia

Of the 230 million kilowatt-hour (kWh) wind potential throughout China, it is estimated that Inner Mongolia has wind resources of approximately 101 million kWh or 40% of the total. There are some 200 companies that already have entered or plan to enter Inner Mongolia's wind power industry.

Through the end of 2005, total installed on-grid wind generating capacity was 170 MW and there is another 962.1 MW of installed wind generating capacity already under construction. By the end of 2010 Inner Mongolia expects to have a total of more than 5 GW of wind projects operating, which will amount to 7.5% of total power generating capacity in the region.

Yet based on the announced projects, it is likely that the total amount of wind power capacity in Inner Mongolia by the end of 2010 will exceed 5 GW. For example the city of Chifeng already has entered into an agreement with the Datang Company to develop 1 GW of wind power and by the end of 2010 Chifeng city alone is expected to have total installed capacity of 1.5 GW.

Gansu Province

The Hexi (west of the Yellow River) corridor near Jiuquan city, which has been dubbed the "Land-Based Three Gorges," is the locus of development of Gansu Province's substantial wind resources. In this area there is an estimated 10,000 square kilometers of land which can be used for wind power development and the estimated capacity that can be developed there is 40 GW.

Though Gansu Province's long-term wind power development plan calls for the construction of 18 large and mid-sized wind farms with a total installed capacity of 20 GW, through the end of 2007 there were a total of 500 MW of wind farms operating, with another 1 GW in planning. Gansu's plan calls for 3 GW to be added in the last three years of the 11th Five Year Plan period, so that by 2010 there will be 4 GW of wind power in operation in Gansu Province. By 2015, installed capacity of wind energy will have reached 10 GW or more and by 2020 Gansu is expected to have 20 GW of wind power in the Jiuquan corridor.

Shandong Province

The province of Shandong is undergoing a boom in wind power development. There are five wind farms that were under construction in 2007, including one each in Rongcheng, Dongying, Zhanhua, Shougang and Weihai. In total these five wind farms are to cost 2.5 billion Yuan and provide a total of almost 300 MW of power generating capacity. Because Shangdong Province is a coastal province bordering the East China Sea, provincial officials estimate that the province has upwards of 67 GW of wind power resources; this is equivalent to 3 Three Gorges Projects.

Long term, engineers in Shangdong believe that there can be as many as 38 wind farms producing power in Shangdong. According to the provincial government's plan, Shandong will have 1 GW of wind power generating capacity by 2010 and 3 GW by 2020.

Heilongjiang Province and its capital Harbin also are making strides to develop wind power. Surveys indicate that the wind resources in Harbin alone are equivalent to 10 GW of power and that with existing technology the exploitable wind power in Harbin is ~ 1 to 2 GW. The Mulan Wind Power Plant, which was started up in 2004, has installed capacity of 12 MW.

According to a National Development and Reform Commission plan, Shanghai will build a total of 13 land and sea-based wind farms in Nanhui, Qinjian and three islands (Chongming, Changxing and Hengsha). By 2020 Shanghai will have a total of 1 GW of installed wind power generating capacity, which will be sufficient to supply power to 4 million residents. Presently Shanghai has three wind farm projects operating, including the Shanghai New Energy Environmental Protection Engineering Co., Ltd.'s four wind turbines with combined capacity of 34 MW; the Shanghai Wind Power Development Co., Ltd.'s 21 MW wind turbines; and the 13 wind turbines located in Nanhui and Chongming which produce 42 GWh/year combined.

The Ala Mountain Pass region of Xinjiang Province is one of that province's best locations for the development of wind power projects. According to plans developed by the provincial government by the end of the 12th Five Year Plan period (in 2015) this area will have an installed base of wind farms totaling 1 GW.

Construction has been completed on the first stage of the Beijing Guanting Wind Farm project. The thirty-three windmills have a total capacity of 50 MW. Based on average consumption by Beijing residents of 1000 kWh/year, the Beijing Guanting Wind Farm will be able to provide power to approximately 100,000 households. After the second phase of the Beijing Guanting Wind Farm is constructed (by 2010) the project will be generating 100 MW in clean wind power.

Hainan Province has drafted a plan to encourage the development of 13 wind farms to be located primarily in the Eastern, Northwestern and Western coastal areas of the province. The anticipated total capacity of wind power to be developed in Hainan through this plan is more than 1.2 GW; of this total Hainan Province anticipates having between 4 and 6 wind farms operating by 2010 with total installed capacity of 250 to 300 MW at a cost of approximately 3 billion Yuan. By 2015 Hainan Province's installed capacity to produce wind power will have grown to 400 MW and by 2020 will grow again to 600 MW.

The Daan city region is the location of some of Jilin Province's most plentiful wind resources; with an area of some 1200 square kilometers that region has the potential to develop as much as 6 GW of wind power. If the full potential of the Daan city region's wind resources were exploited, as much as 12 billion kWh of power could be generated from wind power in that region, which also has good infrastructure for the transmission of power generated there.

Because wind power is proving to be a cost competitive source of power for this energy thirsty nation, the Chinese are aggressively ramping up capacity wherever wind resources can be found. As Chinese manufacturing prowess is increasingly put at the disposal of the wind power industry and the cost of wind power further declines, the rate of growth of wind power installations will continue to accelerate.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

New Power Line in Mongolia Operational

Mining company Western Prospector Group Ltd. recently reported its Gurvanbulag project in Mongolia is now operating on electric power supplied through the recently completed 120 km power line from the thermal power station at Choibalsan, Mongolia.

"Completion of the power line project represents a key infrastructure milestone for Western," said Eric Bohren, President and CEO. "It eliminates time and cost uncertainties in providing power for production and will result in significantly lower operating costs."

The power line project represents an investment of over $7M by the joint venture of Western and XinXin Mining, which is developing a mine seven km from Gurvanbulag. The project began in 2006 with joint venture discussions, engineering design, environmental studies, construction planning and permitting. In 2007, the power line and substations were built, and in 2008 it was tested and cleared for operation.

The power line, which has a transmission capacity of 30 megawatts and 110,000 volts, ensures a low cost, predictable electricity supply to support full scale production at Gurvanbulag. The cost savings are significant; at its peak last winter, Western was spending approximately $200,000 per month in diesel fuel for Gurvanbulag exploration, camp operations, and dewatering activities. Costs for an equivalent level of electricity over the power line are estimated to be approximately $50,000 per month.

The power line extends 120 kilometers from the Mongolian town of Choibalsan to the Gurvanbulag site. From the Gurvanbulag substation, the joint venture has constructed an internal distribution network to supply power to Western's camp site and deposit site. The design allows for incorporation of additional facilities to expand the power distribution to all the locations that will eventually serve an operating mine and processing plant.

Western's decision to move ahead with the power line project was based partly on the need for sufficient electrical capacity to sustain future operations. Beyond the 10 megawatts of power committed to each of Western and XXM, there is no substantive additional capacity at the existing power plant in Choibalsan. Without a costly and lengthy process to expand the Choibalsan plant, Western believes there would be insufficient electrical capacity to support a major expansion of its project or to support another mine in the district.

Through its joint venture, Western and XXM have agreed to allocate the estimated one megawatt of surplus power capacity to the local communities of Bayandun-soum, Dashbalbar-soum, and Gurvanzagal-soum, which will be connected to the electric grid for the first time. These connections will be made under a Mongolian government program of funding for rural electrification. With severe winters in northeast Mongolia, these communities will be able to switch from high cost diesel powered generators to lower cost electric power, which will substantially reduce the cost of living.

"The power line represents a major infrastructure milestone for Western in that it clears the path to production, eliminates the risk of securing electrical power capacity in Choibalsan and reduces exposure to uncertain diesel fuel costs in the future," said Gerald Harper, Senior Vice President of Western. "Along with the benefits to three local communities, it also provides Western with substantial experience with local contractors that will enable us to execute the other large-scale technical projects in our production plan."

Western has pushed forward to build a production ready infrastructure that includes the power line, a 200-person camp, a cellular phone connection to the national network and various Mongolian-national training programs and scholarships. Western has spent over $71M to date in project exploration, development and infrastructure investments.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

China diesel shortage due to demand, not pricing regime - PetroChina

BEIJING (XFN-ASIA) - Diesel shortages in China are due mainly to demand, rather than problems with pricing, a PetroChina official said.

'The main problem for diesel supplies is the rise in demand,' said Jin Anyao of the company's retail division.

He noted that shortages in Inner Mongolia and the northeast have been particularly pronounced because of the growing mechanization of agriculture.

Jin played down the impact of price controls on the company's operations, saying that downstream refining was only one of 10 business segments.

However, he also said that the opening up of the price system was a 'necessity.'

High crude prices and domestic price controls mean refiners operate at a built-in loss. These pricing distortions are thought to have caused smaller refiners to reduce or shut down operations, leaving the market largely to the majors, who have a mandate from the government to keep up supply.

Another major domestic producer, Sinopec, said recently it plans to increase imports of oil products to prevent shortages of diesel and gasoline during the summer harvest and the Beijing Olympic Games.

Increasing Interest in Coal-Liquid Project

Thursday, June 05, 2008.
Foreign and local companies this week presented the government with their feasibility study on coal to liquid technology.
‘Headwater’, the US company that proposed and introduced the Direct Coal Liquefaction technology in March, along with Mongolian company ‘ICM’ and Germany company “Uhde”, introduced their feasibility study on Tuesday (June 3).

S.Otgonbat, advisor from the Ministry of Trade and Industry, said the Mongolian government is studying the proposals from five local and foreign companies on coal –to liquid technology.
Those companies promised that they would handle any future crisis once the complex industries have been built, in exchange for government support on clear legal and tax environments.

The coal to liquid fuel project requires a large investment to build the complex industry, which consists of a power plant, coal washing plant, coal cocking and another second product producing industries.
The complex industry will cost about US$1 to $2.5 billion. The complex industry will take four to five years to construct.
Mongolia has about 160 billion ton in coal reserves and is listed as the 12th largest country of coal reserves globally. Accessing this, however, would depend on 100 percent of petroleum product from Russia.

The main goal of the coal liquefied fuel project is to supply at least 30-40 percent of local petroleum need. Mongolia would buy diesel fuel from Russia after the complex industries was built.
And the price of the liquid fuel would possibly be 50 percent cheaper than importing petroleum product.
D.Nemekhbayar, Executive Director of the ICM company, said that ICM company has worked with German company in order to develop the project over the last three years.
The company determined there were 210 million tons of coal in the Tov aimag deposit reserve, and another 300 million tons of coal reserve possibly yet to be determined. On this figures, the industry would exist for 30 years.

The industry will produce enough production to support Mongolian demand and would possibly allow exports to China.
Mongolian demand of petroleum product is 700 thousand ton per year.
Headwater has proposed that it will produce three million tons of liquid fuel per year and ICM promised one million tons per year.

The company request from the government a unique proposal, and is apparently very detailed and with clear legal documents.
The coal to liquid project has garnered the interested of companies from the US, France and Germany. The Mongolian government said it would give more attention to the project in order to reduce its dependent position of petroleum.

Mongolia may overtake China as main moly supplier to Japan

Japanese customs data showed that Mongolia could soon overtake China as Asia's largest molybdenum oxide supplier to Japan. According to the data Mongolia exported 216 tonne of moly oxide to Japan over January to April 2008, almost matching China's exports of 220 million tonne. In comparison, while China exported 520 tones to Japan over January to April 2007, Mongolia exported only 50 tonne over the same period.

Japan, however only started importing moly oxide from Mongolia in January 2007 and Mongolia only stepped up exports to Japan in late 2007, shipping 54 tonnes in November, 36 tonnes in December, 54 tonnes in January 2008, 72 tonnes in February, 54 tonnes in March and 36 tonnes in April.

Increased Mongolian presence in the Japanese market follows the launch of commercial moly oxide production by Mongolia's mining giant Erdenet Mining in January 2007.

A Japanese consumer, who purchased moly oxide from Erdenet said that the company had a major competitive advantage over other Asian producers as it had its own supply of moly concentrate feedstock needed to produce moly oxide.

As many Chinese and South Korean moly oxide producers import moly concentrate to produce moly oxide, their output depends on concentrate availability, which has tightened this year. Meanwhile, Japanese market sources said that if Erdenet bagged an annual supply contract with steelmakers or trading houses in Japan, Mongolia could easily overtake China as Japan's main Asian moly oxide supplier.

Shenhua Group to build coal production base in Ordos

Jun. 5, 2008 (China Knowledge) - China Shenhua Group Corporation Ltd, a major energy producer and supplier in China, had signed a framework agreement with the local government of Ordos City, to jointly develop a hundred-million-ton coalfield in Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, as reported.

The development of this coal field would be the biggest industrial project in Ordos City in recent years, and would benefit both Shenhua and the city in many ways.

The two sides would jointly send an application to related government authorities for the co-development of the coal field and to build a coal production base there. In addition, they will launch electricity, railway, coal chemical projects, etc to form an integrated economic chain to boost the city's economy at the largest extent and in return promote Shenhua's profitability.

Coal Reserve Discovered in East

A large coal reserve was recently discovered by a mining company, according to reports by local major daily newspapers last week.
Tefis Mining announced that its exploration project in Tugalgatai, located in the Moron soum of Khentii aimag, is estimated to have around three billion metric tons of coal.
The largest coal reserve found so far is Tavan Tolgoi, a high-grade coking coal mine that has 6.2 billion metric tons of reserve.
Mining is Mongolia’s biggest industry and makes up the largest portion of its exports.

State-Owned Company Wins Mining Licenses

Thursday, June 05, 2008.
State-owned company ‘Erdenes MGL’ can mine the lucrative Asgat silver deposits in the Nogoonnuur soum, Bayan-Olgii aimag, according to a decision granting special permission made by the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Authority of Mongolia (MRPAM).
Erdenes MGL also secured the exploitation licenses to the strategic mining deposits at Tavan Tolgoi, located in the Omnogobi aimag, which the MRPAM transferred from Energy Resources who formerly owned the licenses.
The MRPAM made the decision to transfer the license under the argument that the state had paid for initial exploration.

In order to grant special permission to Asgat, the MRPAM used the following articles of law: Resolution No.27, Article No.4, passed on February 6 2007 by parliament; Resolution No.266, passed by the Government of Mongolia on November 15, 2006; and Resolutions No. 42 and No.63 by the chairperson of MRPAM, approved on February 11 and 28, 2008.
The Asgat deposit is located in Bayan-Olgii aimag, in the extreme northwest of Mongolia, 170 km north of the aimag administrative center of Olgii.

The deposit was discovered in 1976 in a mountainous area where maximum altitudes range from 2,300 to 3,650m above sea level.
It is estimated the resources of rare earth metals, which reach to a depth of 200m, are 600,000 metric tons of niobium oxides, 35,000 metric tons of tantalum oxides, 4,000,000 metric tons of zirconium oxides, 1,000,000 metric tons of rare earth oxides, and more than 100,000 metric tons of yttrium oxides.

It is also highly probable that zircon-pyrochlore placers may have formed near the rare earth metal bearing granites.
The overall coal reserves of the Tavantolgoi deposit alone are estimated to be 5 billion tons, of which 2.8 billion tons are amenable to open pit mining to a depth of 340m.

Mining Company Rejects Merger

Canadian mining company Western Prospector Group last week rejected a takeover bid from a rival company, saying it “significantly undervalues” the company.
Khan Resources’ is offering to purchase 100 percent of all common shares from shareholders, although its bid will now struggle to succeed.
Both companies have interests in Mongolia’s mining resources and their merger would create a significant new player in the industry.
Western’s management asked shareholders not to sell their shares to Khan, who had offered 0.685 of its own shares for each Western share.
“Western is much further advanced toward a production decision than Khan, which is one of the reasons why Khan needs Western much more than Western needs Khan,” said Eric Bohren, the company’s chief executive.

Anchorage Capital Master Offshore, a New-York based private investment fund that holds 19 percent of Western Prospector, said it does not intend to sell its 10.3 million Western shares to Khan.
Khan owns the Dornod uranium deposit, the site of a former Russian open-pit uranium mine, while Western Prospector owns the Gurvanbulag uranium deposit.
The properties sit right next to each other and Khan had estimated that joint development of the companies’ two properties would generate about US$100 million in synergies.
Both companies’ shares are traded on the Toronto Stock Exchange and the offer remains open for acceptance until June 20.

Mongolia’s Prime Minister, S.Bayar, and Director General of the state-owned Russian corporation Rossatom, Sergey Kiryenko, last week (May 26) visited Khan’s Dornod uranium site.
The two leaders then continued on to visit Russia’s Priargunsky uranium ore processing and mining operations in the neighboring Chita region where they went 700 meters below ground into a mine to see uranium ore production.

During the one-day visit, Bayar and Kiryenko agreed to cooperate in uranium production and enrichment, as well as in the construction of small or medium-capacity nuclear power plants.
However, Bayar said that a final deal cannot be signed until the country sets out a clear nuclear energy policy and passes a law on uranium production.
He told Russia’ RIA Novosti agency that the law was being drafted and could be approved after the Parliament reopens in this fall.
Mongolia estimates its uranium reserves at 60,000 metric tons. Russian experts have assessed the country’s reserves at 120,000-150,000 tons.


Ivanhoe Energy sees global interest in heavy-oil process


With files from reporter Andy Hoffman

June 4, 2008

CALGARY -- Fresh from its purchase of several oil sands leases, Ivanhoe Energy Inc., the Vancouver-based oil junior run by mining billionaire Robert Friedland, is looking to use its heavy-oil technology to carve out niche opportunities worldwide.

Last week, Ivanhoe said it will develop an innovative, small-scale oil sands plant in Alberta on leases acquired from Talisman Energy Inc. The technology partially processes the crude on site and could make oil sands development more economical, unlocking the door for smaller producers.

Since then, investors from around the world have shown substantial interest in Ivanhoe's technology, while the company has also talked with other Canadian oil sands firms and state-owned oil companies elsewhere over potential deals and partnership opportunities, Mr. Friedland said.

"We got our top target, the No. 1 pick of the litter," he said of the Talisman deal in a conference call. "This is a very material step for the company ... but there's a large group of other opportunities for us. I've personally had very significant discussions with very powerful asset owners around the world."

Ivanhoe's heavy-oil technology, dubbed HTL, runs bitumen over a circulating bed of very hot sand, upgrading its quality by burning off the heaviest, least useful part of the barrel, leaving lighter crude in its place.

It plans to use that process at the oil sands leases it bought from Talisman last week for a total of $105-million, including only $30-million in cash up front.

Ivanhoe plans to build a small, technically advanced project - producing between 30,000 and 50,000 barrels a day - that will use far less natural gas or diluent than other projects.

"The task is to create both the kind of company we want and significant value along the way," Mr. Friedland said. "We've had some modest success in the past, and believe we can do it again."

While Mr. Friedland is a larger-than-life figure, with a history of successfully promoting long-shot mining projects and attracting investors to remote regions or complex plays, some of his projects have attracted a healthy dose of controversy. Nevertheless, he's best known for the $4.3-billion sale of former firm Diamond Fields Resources, which made a huge discovery of nickel at Voisey's Bay in Newfoundland in 1993.

These days, Mr. Friedland's most high-profile endeavour is the massive Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold project in Mongolia. Global mining giant Rio Tinto PLC has agreed to invest in Oyu Tolgoi with a 10-per-cent stake in Mr. Friedland's Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. Rio Tinto has said it will only increase its stake beyond 10 per cent if Ivanhoe can secure an investment agreement with the government of Mongolia. Ivanhoe has been trying for five years to secure the needed approval and is still talking with Mongolian officials.

Two Chinese provinces move to limit thermal coal prices

BEIJING, June 5 (Xinhua) -- The governments of Shandong and Shaanxi, two of China's major coal-producing provinces, have stepped in to keep local power coal prices stable amid a national shortage.

The Shandong provincial government has issued an urgent circular, urging local producers to maintain thermal coal reserves sufficient for more than 15 days.

The government ordered producers to fulfill all existing contracts in June and produce an extra 2.56 million tonnes each month during the next three months while cutting prices by 10 yuan (1.4 U.S. dollars) a tonne from the June price.

Coal producers in the eastern province were told not to raise prices for local power plants as the government had decided to "temporarily intervene" in coal prices.

The vice governor of northern Shaanxi Province said last week that local coal companies, especially large coal chemical industry groups, should not raise prices before Sept. 15, even though demand would increase during the summer power consumption peak.

Other coal-producing provinces and regions including Shanxi, Henan and the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region have not announced price curbs.

Provinces that were short of coal would probably also soon introduce price intervention policies to check outflows of local coal resources and move to increase purchases from other provinces, said Li Dagang, an industry analyst with Essence Securities.

He said it wasn't very likely that the central government would impose a national price ceiling on thermal coal, since if it had been planning to do so, that would have happened in April, when reserves fell below seven days in some provinces.

Western Prospector Reports Gurvanbulag Power Line Operational

Supports Near-Term Production Strategy

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - June 5, 2008) - Western Prospector Group Ltd. (TSX VENTURE:WNP) ("Western") today reported its Gurvanbulag project in Mongolia is now operating on electric power supplied through the recently completed 120 kilometre power line from the thermal power station at Choibalsan, Mongolia.

"Completion of the power line project represents a key infrastructure milestone for Western," said Eric Bohren, President and CEO. "It eliminates time and cost uncertainties in providing power for production and will result in significantly lower operating costs."

The power line project represents an investment of over $7 million by the joint venture of Western and XinXin Mining ("XXM"), which is developing a mine seven kilometres from Gurvanbulag. The project began in 2006 with joint venture discussions, engineering design, environmental studies, construction planning and permitting. In 2007, the power line and substations were built, and in 2008 it was tested and cleared for operation.

The power line, which has a transmission capacity of 30 megawatts and 110,000 volts, ensures a low cost, predictable electricity supply to support full scale production at Gurvanbulag (see Figure 1). The cost savings are significant; at its peak last winter, Western was spending approximately $200,000 per month in diesel fuel for Gurvanbulag exploration, camp operations, and dewatering activities. Costs for an equivalent level of electricity over the power line are estimated to be approximately $50,000 per month.

The power line extends 120 kilometres from the Mongolian town of Choibalsan to the Gurvanbulag site. From the Gurvanbulag substation, the joint venture has constructed an internal distribution network to supply power to Western's camp site and deposit site. The design allows for incorporation of additional facilities to expand the power distribution to all the locations that will eventually serve an operating mine and processing plant.

To view Figure 1 please visit the following link:

Western's decision to move ahead with the power line project was based partly on the need for sufficient electrical capacity to sustain future operations. Beyond the 10 megawatts of power committed to each of Western and XXM, there is no substantive additional capacity at the existing power plant in Choibalsan. Without a costly and lengthy process to expand the Choibalsan plant, Western believes there would be insufficient electrical capacity to support a major expansion of its project or to support another mine in the district.

Through its joint venture, Western and XXM have agreed to allocate the estimated one megawatt of surplus power capacity to the local communities of Bayandun-soum, Dashbalbar-soum, and Gurvanzagal-soum, which will be connected to the electric grid for the first time. These connections will be made under a Mongolian government program of funding for rural electrification. With severe winters in northeast Mongolia, these communities will be able to switch from high cost diesel powered generators to lower cost electric power, which will substantially reduce the cost of living.

"The power line represents a major infrastructure milestone for Western in that it clears the path to production, eliminates the risk of securing electrical power capacity in Choibalsan and reduces exposure to uncertain diesel fuel costs in the future," said Gerald Harper, Senior Vice President of Western. "Along with the benefits to three local communities, it also provides Western with substantial experience with local contractors that will enable us to execute the other large-scale technical projects in our production plan."

Western has pushed forward to build a production ready infrastructure that includes the power line, a 200-person camp, a cellular phone connection to the national network and various Mongolian-national training programs and scholarships. Western has spent over $71 million to date in project exploration, development and infrastructure investments.

Note Regarding Forward-Looking Statements

This press release and other written or oral communication from the Company may include certain statements that may be considered "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of that phrase under Canadian securities laws. Statements other than historical facts that address possible future events, plans or developments are forward-looking statements. Such statements may be identified by the use of words such as "will", ""may", "expects", "estimate", "intend" or the use of the future or conditional tense. Certain material factors or assumptions were applied in drawing our conclusions and making those forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements reflect management's current views with respect to possible future events and conditions and, by their nature, are based on management's beliefs and assumptions and subject to known and unknown risks and uncertainties, both general and specific to the Company. Although the Company believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those in our forward-looking statements. Readers are cautioned that risks may change or new risks may emerge. Additional information regarding the material factors and assumptions that were applied in making these forward looking statements as well as the various risks and uncertainties we face are described in greater detail in the "Risk Factors" section of our annual and interim Management's Discussion and Analysis of our financial results and other continuous disclosure documents and financial statements we file with the Canadian securities regulatory authorities which are available at and available on the Company's website at The Company undertakes no obligation to update this forward-looking information except as required by applicable law.

The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this news release.

China turns to coal for oil, may fuel controversy

5 Jun, 2008,

ERDOS: With oil prices at historic highs, China is moving full steam ahead with a controversial process to turn its vast coal reserves into barrels of oil. Known as coal-to-liquid (CTL), the process is reviled by environmentalists who say it causes excessive greenhouse gases.

Yet the possibility of obtaining oil from coal and being fuel self-sufficient is enticing to coal-rich countries seeking to secure their energy supply in an age of increased debate about how long the world’s oil reserves can continue to meet demand.

The United States, Australia and India are among those countries looking at CTL technology but are constrained by environmental concerns associated with the process which releases excessive amounts of carbon gases into the atmosphere and consumes huge amounts of water.

But China, which lacks the powerful environmental lobbyists that might stymie any widescale initiative elsewhere, is building a major complex on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia.

"Those countries with large coal reserves, like South Africa, China or the United States, are very keen on CTL as it helps ensure energy security," said Yuichiro Shimura at Mitsubishi Research Institute (MRI) in Tokyo.

"However, the problem is that it creates a lot of carbon dioxide. Also you need a huge amount of energy for liquefaction, which means you end up wasting quite a lot of energy," the chief consultant at MRI in charge of energy said.

In Erdos, Inner Mongolia, about 10,000 workers are putting the final touches to a CTL plant that will be run by state-owned Shenhua Group, China’s biggest coal mine.

The plant will be the biggest outside of South Africa, which adopted CTL technology due to international embargoes on fuel during the apartheid years. "We cannot fail," Zhang Jiming, deputy general manager at Shenhua Coal Liquefaction, said.

"If things go smoothly, we will start with the expansion next year," he said.

The plant will start operating later this year and is expected to convert 3.5 million tonnes of coal per year into 1 million tonnes of oil products such as diesel for cars. That’s the equivalent of about 20,000 barrels a day.

If all goes well, then Inner Mongolia will push on with an ambitious plan to turn half of its coal output into liquid fuel or chemicals by 2010. This would be around 135 million tonnes, or about 40% of Australia’s annual coal output.

The region, as big as France, Germany and England put together, hopes CTL will propel development while contributing to Beijing’s plan to have CTL capacity of 50 million tonnes by 2020.

That would be about 286,000 barrels a day, or about four percent of China’s energy needs based on current consumption.

CTL is also being considered by a number of coal-rich countries such as the United States, which has the world’s largest coal reserves. The relatively low cost of CTL produced oil given current oil prices, plus the chance to be more energy self-sufficient is a powerful incentive.

The technology is being seen in some quarters as offering an opportunity for the US to reduce its dependency on other countries for oil and a small US CTL industry is emerging.

DRKW Advanced Fuels plans to start construction on a plant in Wyoming next year in partnership with Arch Coal and with technologies licenced by General Electric and Exxon Mobil.

The defense department is experimenting with CTL in an effort to cut reliance on fuel from countries unfriendly to the United States.

But CTL is highly controversial. Experts say the whole lifecycle releases about twice as much carbon dioxide, the most common greeenhouse gas, as fossil fuel.

Liquefying coal also requires large amounts of energy and drains water supplies. The fuel produced through this method has a shelf life of up to 15 years, unlike other motor fuels which is attractive to the military and to governments keen to ensure fuel security.

Though CTL technology was developed about 100 years ago, it has been little used, except in Nazi Germany and apartheid South Africa, which had difficulty accessing then-inexpensive oil. Oil prices, which have more than quadrupled this decade to above $130 a barrel, have reignited interest in CTL.

The Oil and Gas Journal in April suggested it costs $67 to $82 a barrel to produce CTL fuel, based on the experiences of South Africa’s Sansol. Exact prices would depend on a range of factors including coal and water prices and of course it is very expensive to build CTL plants.

Shenhua will be the first to use direct CTL technology on a large scale. It is different from indirect CTL, proven in Nazi Germany and by South Africa’s Sasol, and converts coal directly into liquid fuel, skipping gasifying coal into syngas.

"CTL happened only twice in world history, and both times it’s been in nations facing some kind of state of emergency with respect to energy. It should sound an alarm bell," said Gary Kendall, from the WWF conservation group.

"There are two defining issues in the 21st century: one is carbon dioxide and one is water. And the (CTL) process is horrifically carbon intensive. It is also very water intensive."

The ‘holy grail’ for CTL enthusiasts is to find a way to turn coal into liquid without releasing carbons into the air. The idea is that the carbon dioxide, the main global warming gas, would be captured and stored deep under ground.

Carbon capture and storage, which is still the subject of much research, would alleviate the environmental impact of carbon dioxide being released into the environment, the main argument against CTL by critics. This could spur CTL development in the United States and other western countries.

Coal lobbyists in the US have been clamouring for more research into CTL but they have failed to override environmental concerns due to the carbon emissions of the process. Pro-CTL amendments were dropped from the 2007 US energy bill.

"If there is no good solution for CO2, the (CTL) industry will not flourish," Chen Linming, executive vice president at Sasol China, told a conference last month, urging the government to support carbon capture and storage technology.

Shenhua and Sasol are conducting a feasibility study to build two more CTL plants in the provinces of Shaanxi and Ningxia. Whether CTL technology could ever be used on a large-scale will depend on how coal companies deal with the massive amount of water used in the process.

China faces serious water shortages and the Gobi desert, which spans across Inner Mongolia, is expanding rapidly.

There are drinking water shortages in northwest China and ground water levels are sinking every year. Shenhua plans to use ground water and recycled water from coal mines to supply the 8 million tonnes it will need a year.

Yet Zhang said it would need to tap other sources, such as the Yellow River, in the second phase. He would not disclose how much the company spent to build the complex, or how much carbon dioxide it is expected to emit.

"There’s no doubt with oil at over $100 a barrel, CTL is very economic. However the constraint is the availability of water," said Michael Komesarroff from Urandaline Investments.

"The Yellow River often dries up. In some parts of China, 30 years ago, the water table was 5 metres below the ground. Today it is 35-40 metres below the ground because they take the ground water in an unsustainable way."

Environmentalists say that rather than invest in a process that will probably never be environmentally sound, China and other countries should move towards running cars on batteries rather than liquid fuel.

"If China’s primary concern is energy security, then I think you would want to take the most efficient way of using the resources," said WWF’s Kendall.

"If you turn coal into electricity at high efficiency, and charge electric vehicles, you can get three times as many kilometres per unit of coal.

Uranium 308 Corp.: Company Annouces Progress of Drilling Program at Janchivlan, Mongolia

LAS VEGAS, NEVADA, Jun 04, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) ----Uranium 308 Corp. (OTCBB: URCO) (The "Company") is pleased to announce the progress of its drilling program at Janchivlan, Mongolia about 70 kilometers southeast of Ulaan Baatar (see news release dated April 24, 2008).

Diamond core drilling began on the South Block target area on April 17, 2008 with one drill rig. A second diamond drill rig was added on May 15, 2008. To date, four holes have been completed for a total of 2170 meters drilled. Specific targets in the drill holes are radiometric zones, coincident with fracturing and brecciation, encountered in trenching from last year's program. Upon completion, each hole is radiometrically probed through the drill pipe, sometimes with an additional thickness of casing, using an uncalibrated, down hole instrument. Results received so far are qualitative in nature, but are encouraging nonetheless. A number of zones of significant radioactivity were encountered. These are accompanied in the core by fracturing, brecciation, iron oxide staining, purple fluorite, and other mineralization. Radiometric logging of the core with a hand-held gamma ray spectrometer has also revealed radiometric anomalies, especially beta radiation, in the same zones.

Hole UDH-08-01 was drilled at -45 degrees, S 15 degrees E to a total depth of 667 meters. Significant radioactivity, at least 2x background, was encountered in 9 zones, at 10 meters, 58 meters, 93 meters, 142 meters, 201 meters, 363 meters, 477 meters, 505 meters, and 610 meters. Apparent thicknesses vary from 1 meter to as much as 60 meters. This hole was ended in radioactive material because of drill problems. Many of the zones are known from nearby trenches, but the most significant zone was unexpected and may constitute a new discovery zone. This zone begins at 610 meters and extends to the bottom of the hole, an apparent thickness of 60 meters.

Hole UDH-08-02, located about 125 meters to the northwest of hole UDH-08-01, was drilled at -45 degrees, S 15 degrees E to a total depth of 504 meters. Significant radioactivity was encountered in 14 zones, at 15 meters, 55 meters, 90 meters, 154 meters, 198 meters, 213 meters, 250 meters, 303 meters, 313 meters, 381 meters, 410 meters, 427 meters, 454 meters, and 465 meters. Apparent thicknesses range to as much as 40 meters.

Hole UDH-08-03, located about 164 meters to the northeast of hole UDH-08-01, was drilled at -45 degrees, due south to a total depth of 581 meters. Significant radioactivity was encountered in 4 thick zones, a complex zone beginning at 5 meters and ending at 52 meters, another complex zone from 64 meters to 76 meters, another complex zone from 98 meters to 144 meters, and 270 meters.

Hole UDH-08-04, located about 400 meters to the southwest of hole UDH-08-01, was drilled at -45 degrees, due south to a total depth of 418 meters. It encountered zones of significant radioactivity at 5 meters, 14 meters, 23 meters, 57 meters, 75 meters, 97 meters, 127 meters, 143 meters, 172 meters, a complex zone beginning at 256 meters and ending at 310 meters, another simple zone at 338 meters, and a complex zone beginning at 376 meters and ending at 397 meters.

Activation Laboratories of Canada will prepare and process the drill core samples at its facilities in Ulaanbaatar. Activation will conduct the final analysis in its labs in Ontario, Canada.

Although, no quantitative uranium grades are known for the above radioactive zones at this time as the analytical results are pending, management is very encouraged by the results so far. Due to the apparent success of the drilling in the South Block target area, the second drill rig remains in the south for the present. Additional drill rigs are planned for the near future.

This work is being done to Canadian National Instrument 43-101 standards and is being supervised by Dr. Earl W. Abbott, a Qualified Person under NI 43-101.

On behalf of the Board of Directors,

Dennis Tan, CEO and Director

About Uranium 308 Corp.

Uranium 308 Corp. is a mineral exploration and development company engaged in the acquisition, exploration and development of large scale low-cost, high-value properties internationally. Uranium 308 Corp.'s current primary focus is uranium exploration in Mongolia.

FORWARD LOOKING STATEMENTS: This news release may include "forward-looking statements" regarding Uranium 308 Corp., and its subsidiaries, business and project plans. Such forward looking statements are within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and section 21E of the United States Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and are intended to be covered by the safe harbor created by such sections. Where Uranium 308 Corp. expresses or implies an expectation or belief as to future events or results, such expectation or belief is believed to have a reasonable basis. However, forward-looking statements are subject to risks, uncertainties and other factors, which could cause actual results to differ materially from future results expressed, projected or implied by such forward-looking statements. Uranium 308 Corp. does not undertake any obligation to update any forward looking statement, except as required under applicable law.


Rio Tinto, Ivanhoe May Agree to Share Mongolia Output

By Stewart Bailey and Rob Delaney

June 4 (Bloomberg) -- Rio Tinto Group and Ivanhoe Mines Ltd. may share production or profits from a Mongolian copper and gold mine with the nation's government to win approval to continue developing the site.

The production-sharing plan at the Oyu Tolgoi project may replace a 34 percent equity stake included in an agreement proposed last year, Ivanhoe Chief Executive Officer John Macken said in an interview.

Final government approval for the project, which Rio Tinto has called ``the world's largest undeveloped copper-gold resource,'' has been delayed as lawmakers debate changes to the nation's mining laws. Mongolia is seeking to benefit more from its copper, coal and other resources as the commodities' prices surge.

``Is it production-sharing, is it profit-sharing? It's one of those,'' Macken said today in New York, where he's attending a conference. ``I believe we'll see this project move forward in the very near future.''

Asked whether the government would demand a share of production corresponding to the previously proposed 34 percent equity stake, Macken said, ``It'll probably be closer to 50 percent.''

Negotiations about a final agreement for Oyu Tolgoi will resume after changes to the law are completed, Macken said.

Rio Tinto fell 125 pence, or 2 percent, to 6,004 pence in London, where the company is based. Ivanhoe, based in Vancouver, rose 45 cents, or 4.8 percent, to C$9.75 as of 4:10 p.m. in Toronto Stock Exchange trading. The shares have fallen 9.7 percent this year.

Legislative Session

A special legislative session that convened in March failed to complete the amendments, and debate may continue until June, Ganpurev Dugarjav, vice chairman of Mongolia's Foreign Investment and Foreign Trade Agency, said in an April interview.

Oyu Tolgoi, located about 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of the Mongolia-China border, contains 78.9 billion pounds of copper and 45.2 million ounces of gold on a measured, indicated and inferred basis, according to the most recent estimates.

Mongolia's prime minister vowed to complete an agreement ``as soon as possible,'' Chairman Robert Friedland said yesterday in a presentation at the World Mining Investment Congress in London. The first shaft at Oyu Tolgoi has been sunk, and the second is under construction, Friedland said.

Ivanhoe plans to conduct initial public offerings of stakes in its Bakyrchik gold project in Kazakhstan and its Australian copper, uranium and gold assets, Macken said today.

Ivanhoe estimates the Australian assets have a value of C$500 million and the Kazakh unit is worth C$750 million, according to Macken's presentation. Ivanhoe plans to keep stakes in the projects in both countries, Macken said.


June 4, 2008

Khan's Mongolian and Russian Partners Visit the Dornod Site

TORONTO, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - June 2, 2008) - The Prime Minister of Mongolia, S.Bayar, and General Director of the state-owned Russian Corporation "Rossatom", S.V.Kiryenko, visited Central Asian Uranium Company, (CAUC) and Khan Resources Inc.'s (Khan) (TSX:KRI) Dornod uranium site on May 26, 2008. Following the official visit by Prime Minister S. Bayar to Russia in April 2008, and the signing of cooperation agreements between Mongolia and Russia in exploring and developing uranium mines, the Prime Minister invited Mr. Kiryenko to visit the Canadian, Mongolian and Russian joint venture company, CAUC, at the Dornod uranium mine site in north eastern Mongolia.

Khan, a Canadian company, owns a 58% interest in CAUC, and the remaining shares are equally owned by the Mongolian government and the Russian state owned company Priargunsky Production Mining-Chemical Association (Priargunsky), which is owned by Rossatom Corporation. CAUC holds the only uranium mining license in Mongolia and the Dornod mine was in production under Priargunsky between 1988-1995. In addition, Khan holds 100% of an exploration license covering an adjoining property. During the one day visit, Khan management provided the guests with a presentation on the status of the project, the results from the Pre-Feasibility Study and Environmental Impact Assessment, progress on the ongoing Definitive Feasibility Study, and Mongolian resource and reserve calculations.

After the meeting, the Prime Minister and Mr. Kiryenko made a site tour of the Dornod minesite, and then continued on to Russia to visit the Priargunsky processing and mining operations. Khan expects this visit by the top officials of the joint venture partnership to play an important role in the future development of the Dornod uranium project. Khan looks forward to commencing negotiations with its partners, once the situation in Mongolia regarding development of the uranium mining industry, is clarified.

Offer for Western Prospector Group Ltd.

On May 11, 2008, Khan Resources announced its intention to make an offer (the "Offer") for all of the outstanding common shares of Western Prospector Group Ltd. ("Western Prospector"), together with the associated rights issued under Western Prospector's shareholder rights plan. Khan Resources' offer and circular dated May 12, 2008 and other documents related to the Offer were filed with the securities regulatory authorities in Canada and the United States on May 12, 2008. Western Prospector shareholders are urged to read the offer and circular and related Offer materials as they contain important information including the terms and conditions of the Offer and the procedures for depositing shares of Western Prospector. Copies of the offer and circular and related materials are available on SEDAR at and on EDGAR at and are available on Khan Resources' website at

Additional Information

The Offer is made for the securities of a Canadian issuer and the offer documents have been prepared in accordance with the disclosure requirements of Canada. Shareholders should be aware that such requirements are different from those of the United States. Financial statements included or incorporated by reference in the offer documents have been prepared in accordance with Canadian generally accepted accounting principles, and are subject to Canadian auditing and auditor independence standards, and thus may not be comparable to the financial statements of United States companies.

The enforcement by Western Prospector's shareholders of civil liabilities under United States federal securities laws may be affected adversely by the fact that Khan Resources is incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, Canada, that Western Prospector is incorporated under the laws of the Province of British Columbia, Canada, and that a majority of Khan Resources' officers and directors are residents of Canada and some of Western Prospector's officers and directors are residents of Canada, that Kingsdale Shareholder Services Inc., the depositary and information agent for the Offer and some or all of the experts named in the offer documents may be residents of jurisdictions outside of the United States, and that all or a substantial portion of the assets of Khan Resources and Western Prospector and of the above mentioned persons may be located outside of the United States. You may not be able to sue Khan Resources, Western Prospector, or their respective officers or directors in a foreign court for violations of the US securities laws. It may be difficult to compel Khan Resources, Western Prospector and their respective affiliates to subject themselves to a US court's judgment.

You should be aware that Khan Resources or its affiliates, directly or indirectly, may bid for and make purchases of common shares of Western Prospector during the period of the Offer, as permitted by applicable Canadian or provincial laws or regulations.

This press release may contain forward-looking statements, which are subject to certain risks, uncertainties and assumptions. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in such statements, and there is no assurance that actual results will be consistent with them. Such forward-looking statements are made as at the date of this news release, and the company assumes no obligation to update or revise them, either publicly or otherwise, to reflect new events, information or circumstances, except as may be required under applicable securities law.

Khan Resources (TSX:KRI) is a Canadian acquisition, exploration and uranium development company. Its current activities are focused on the Dornod area in north eastern Mongolia, the site of a former Russian open-pit uranium mine. Khan holds interests in the Main Dornod Property, licensed for mining, and in the Additional Dornod Property, licensed for exploration. The Company's website is


Jun 02, 2008 17:51

Ivanhoe Still Talking With Mongolia on Copper Mine

By Brett Foley

June 3 (Bloomberg) -- Ivanhoe Mines Ltd., the developer of the Oyu Tolgoi copper and gold mine in Mongolia, is still talking with the government to secure an investment agreement, the company's founder said.

``The prime minister has vowed to conclude our agreement as soon as possible,'' Chairman Robert Friedland said in a presentation at the World Mining Investment Congress today in London. The first shaft at Oyu Tolgoi has been sunk and the second is under construction, Friedland said.

Oyu Tolgoi is owned by Canada's Ivanhoe. Rio Tinto Group, the world's third-largest mining company, agreed in 2006 to buy 10 percent of the company and may raise its stake by converting a credit line provided to develop the mine. The project is about 80 kilometers (50 miles) north of Mongolia's border with China.

The deposit's current estimated metal content is ``a tiny fraction of what is actually there,'' Friedland said. In March, Ivanhoe raised the estimated resource to 78.9 billion pounds of measured, indicated and inferred copper and 45.2 million ounces of gold.

Ivanhoe dropped 9 cents, or 1 percent, to C$9.30 at 4:27 p.m. in Toronto Stock Exchange trading, bringing this year's decline to 14 percent.


Inner Mongolia: Dissident Arrested in Beijing

Inner Mongolian dissident, Jiranbayariin Soyolt has been arrested in Beijing on false accusations. His whereabouts remain unclear as Chinese officials refuse access to him.

Below is an article published by the Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center:

Jiranbayariin Soyolt, a Southern (Inner) Mongolian dissident in exile and a citizen of Mongolia, was arrested in Beijing Capital Airport on January 6, 2008, while on a business trip to China along with two other Mongolian citizens Mr. Purevsuren, President of Mon-Energeo HHK, and Mr. Bat-Erdene, partner of Purevsuren. The three left Ulaanbaatar, capital of Mongolia, on January 6 [2008], 11:45 AM, with Air China airline and arrived at the Beijing Capital Airport on January 6 [2008], 1:00 PM.

According to a written communication to SMHRIC [Southern Mongolian Human Rights Information Center] by Ms. Tuyaa, wife of Soyolt, Purevsuren and Bat-Erden entered the airport customs check followed by Soyolt. After waiting for Soyolt outside the customs check for two hours, Purevsuren and Bat-Erden returned to the customs counter to inquire about the reason for Soyolt’s delay. At the customs counter, they saw Soyolt in handcuffs surrounded by 5 policemen. Upon seeing them, Soyolt told them that he has been arrested by the Chinese police and asked them to contact his family and the Mongolian Embassy in Beijing immediately on his behalf. Purevsuren contacted Soyolt’s family immediately to inform the family members of what had happened to Soyolt in Beijing.

Soyolt’s family members in Ulaanbaatar immediately sent an appeal to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mongolia calling for Soyolt’s immediate release. The Ministry acted promptly to contact the Chinese authorities and assigned Soyolt’s case to its foreign affairs officer, Mr. Boldoo. Since the arrest, Soyolt’s family has been in frequent contact with the foreign affairs office.

On January 11 [2008], according to Tuyaa, Soyolt was forced by the Chinese authorities to contact Purevsuren by telephone from Beijing to tell him that he is still being held in Beijing for “some issue” with his passport, and asked Purevsuren and others not to reveal anything about his arrest to any foreign news media in order not to “make things worse”. Under this threat, family members and friends of Soyolt have kept quiet and waited for his release until fairly recently. However, a series of official notes and requests by the Mongolian Government regarding the case have been completely ignored by the Chinese Government.

Soyolt’s wife, Ms. Tuyaa accompanied by Mr. Purevsuren travelled to Beijing on January 28 [2008], and met with officials of the Embassy of Mongolia to Beijing. On January 31 [2008], on behalf of Soyolt’s family members, Mr. Badamnyambuu, director of the Consular Office of the Embassy, and Purevsuren visited Public Security authorities in Beijing and met with a top official there to express their concern on Soyolt’s case. The Beijing Public Security authorities confirmed that Soyolt did enter China through Beijing Capital Airport on January 6, 2008 even though they had previously repeatedly denied any knowledge of Soyolt’s whereabouts.

SMHRIC has contacted the Consular Office director Badamnyambuu in Beijing however he declined to provide any information on the case, stating that “it is inappropriate for me to explain it over the phone”. SMHRIC also contacted the Beijing Airport Security Department and the Custom Check Office over the phone. All refused to provide any information on the case.

Jiranbayariin Soyolt, a long-term dissident, human rights activist and one of the founding members of several exiled groups based in Mongolia, was born in central Southern Mongolia’s Shiliin-gol League. He was one of the leaders of the 1981 Mongolian Student Movement, a mass protest by ethnic Mongolian students and intellectuals against the Chinese Central Government’s plan for migrating 600,000 Hans into Southern Mongolia without any consultation with local Mongols. In 1992, he went into exile in the independent country of Mongolia and continued his human rights activities, criticizing the Chinese Government’s ethnic policy and defending the human rights of the Mongols in China. In 1993, Soyolt attended the World Mongolian Alliance First Congress in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, and gave a speech publicly criticizing China’s gross human rights violations in Southern Mongolia and called the Chinese ethnic policy as “a policy of ethnic cleansing and cultural genocide”. Later he was granted political asylum in Mongolia, and in 1997 he was granted citizenship of Mongolia under the Naturalization Act of Mongolia.